TBU or TBEX? Travel Blogging Conferences
Benefits of traveling to Canada
Our romantic travel love story
Hard life of travel bloggers
When the things don’t work out the way you want but you still enjoy it – in La Serena
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler’s best of travel 2011
This year my intention was not to write a post summarizing my 2011 travels, as I’ve posted about my 24 favorite beaches of 2011 and my best sunsets of 2011. But then Jeremy from Budget Travel Adventures started this Best of Travel 2011 so I decided to participate. Writing this post I realized how many […]
9,601.56 € -12 months, 14 countries, 21 flights in 2011
Travel – running away from something? On suicide, death and more
Listening to the song Supergirl of Raemon, the lyrics ”supergirl don’t cry” just help me to be strong right now. I decided to write probably the most personal post ever, even though it hurts like hell! But it still explains a bit one of my reasons to travel.There have been so many posts all around […]
39 + 1 secrets about Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
Personally, I don’t really like travel blogs and websites without knowing the person behind them. I really like to get to know those great travelers, find out about their life, opinions and passions so I can relate to them more. If there are some of you thinking the same, this post is exactly for you. […]
Update on 2011 resolution
6 reasons to write a travel blog
Before September 2010 I had never even thought of writing a travel blog. I was not even reading any of the existed ones. Please forgive me now my fellow travel bloggers, but I was not even properly aware of the fact there are people writing a travel blog.I was or too busy studying, working, traveling […]