The craziest misconceptions about Sri Lanka you won’t believe to be true
We’re all human, so it’s not uncommon that we all keep our own set of cultural, religious, and other misconceptions in our minds. Some myths and misconceptions are downright silly while others test your faith and peace of mind. These ideas of untruths aren’t just specific for certain parts of the world either… misconceptions and […]
Maldives vs Sri Lanka comparison
This article will be about 2 countries I truly love but for different reasons, Maldives vs Sri Lanka. I spent a month on 12 different islands in Maldives and a month in Southern Sri Lanka. So my comparison will be based on those 2 months of my own personal experience. Basically, it’s just my opinions […]
Vegan Sri Lanka – try these top 10 vegan meals in Sri Lanka
3 healthy things to try in Sri Lanka
Over the years on the road I realized that the healthier I eat, the more energy I have for exploring the new destinations. I made a habit of trying many healthy things in each destination I visit. Why? Because local natural herbs, local seasonal fruit and veggies and natural cosmestics are always the best and […]
10 things that surprised me in Sri Lanka
What surprised me in Sri Lanka Even when we do not want to have prejudices or presumptions, especially before visiting a new country, we usually do have some anyway. We have always heard something from other travelers, or had read about some facts/opinions online in the past. Before my first visit to Sri Lanka in […]
Similarities and differences between Sri Lanka vs India
Since 2015 to 2018 I spent 3 months traveling around Southern India (Kerala, Maharashtra and Goa) and one month around Southern Sri Lanka. It’s funny to see that in both countries so far I’ve only been to the South, and not the rest of the countries. It’s a coincidence, though. After my 4 months in […]