Holidays with friends in Portoroz in Slovenia
I never really thought of Slovenia as a cool place to visit. Not sure if it was because so many people confuse it with my home country Slovakia while it does not have much in common, or because it is relatively close geographically and thus not so exotic to me like let’s say Mexico or Argentina.
But when we started discussing summer holidays with some Slovak friends and we opted for a road trip, I immediately chose Slovenia. The closest sea from Bratislava where we left from is Italy, Slovenia or Croatia but I used to live in Italy and visited it many many times, and been to Croatia 3 times so this time it was the right time to finally see something also in Slovenia and not just cross it by car/bus.
Slovenian coast is only 46 km long but looking at the map we chose Portoroz (Portorose in English) town straight away. After driving 570 km mostly on the highway, 2 cars with my 8 friends and myself, safely arrived to Portoroz in the early afternoon and left all our stuff at our new home for the next 4 days –Majda apartments.
Like I said, we got to Portoroz by car but in case you can’t do the same, feel free to check out how to get from Bratislava to Portoroz differently.
I know it was me who chose Portoroz in Slovenia but I was still amazed at its Mediterranean beauty. We took it easy while there but walked around a lot to see as much as possible.
If I had to recommend you a few things to do in Portoroz in Slovenia, it would be the following:
- walk the coast both during the day and at night – it has a different feeling to it and the big hotels in the centre of Portoroz are nicely lit up. And when wondering around on Friday/Saturday night, you might get lucky and meet a huge penis like we did.
- buy souvenirs along the coast – considering you are done with the main souvenirs such as postcards (or me snow globes), my biggest secrets would be 3 things – handmade Native American souvenirs from 2 guys from Ecuador, Jazz steampunk jewelry and also Feniks Art Deco.
- my favorite restaurant ever was the Mexican restaurant Papa Chico at the end of the promenade on the left side of the coast – we ate there twice. Everything was more than finger licking, from orgasmic guacamole, to burritos, fajitas, banana frito or chimichanga dessert. Also Paco restaurant is great for salads (we only tried those).
- the cheapest fresh fruit and vegetables we found in Mercator – even a lot cheaper than at the little local markets.
- I think you can easily drink tap water, I didn’t have any problems, but of course it depends on you.
- there’s a lot of tasty ice cream places along the main coast road, we found a few good ones offering also non-dairy sorbets.
- most of the beaches are rocky ones but with man-made entrances with steps so you enter straight into the deeper water. In the centre of Portoroz there is a sand beach too – for free – but the water is not so deep, it’s more crowded with family and kids, and you will find algae at the bottom. We didn’t see any jellyfish nor sea urchins so it was safe to swim in here.
- there’s big hotels and apartments in Portoroz but not much of other kind of accommodation in between.
- if you are up for some fun, and you are at least a bit fit, I highly recommend bouncy castles and other inflatable toys (or whatever you call a sort of Takeshi’s castle in real) you can find at 2 different places along the Portoroz coast. It’s not just for kids! We watched our guy friends having the biggest fun there ever, jumping all over, playing games and most of all falling down to water every two minutes. I honestly burst out in tiers a few times when laughing so much taking videos of it. It’s definitely worth a few euros (you can even negotiate a discount for a group.)
- Looking for night life? Paprika bar is supposed to be good – and there’s a jacuzzi for 2 if you decide to get some intimate time :D Or, my favorite place was what I call ”the ball” in Porto del mar bar. If I ever have a house, I want one of these. They also have a lot of games, karaoke and good drinks in the bar and lit up trees outside like at Christmas.
When wondering around, you gotta walk from Portoroz through Bernardino to Piran, the charming peninsula. You could possibly take a 45 min bus, but it would be your loss as the coast is refreshing. Piran, the most preserved cultural monument of Slovenian Istria, reminds a lot Italy with its medieval architecture, narrow streets, churches, gelato, and even the main square with little cafes.
Piran beaches are more windy, with bigger waves and we saw huge jellyfish on the way there. Thankfully, the jellyfish were far away from the beach we relaxed at and didn’t bother us at all. We spent maybe 2 hours at the free beach there (the beaches until then on the way were for 10 euros per sunbed for no hotel guests). At the end of the beach where we stayed at there is a graffiti wall with rather cool ship, people and a whale.
When in Piran, you cannot miss the main Tartini square, cute port, Cafe Teater for coffee or drinks with coast view (my friends had Sexes drink here and we found out it’s made in Bratislava), Saint George Cathedral, St. Clement’s church, statues all around and just the whole atmosphere. Remember to take a pic of the metal maquette of Piran just outside of Cafe Teater, looks pretty cool with the coast around.
Last tips: In my opinion, many people tried to charge us more than they should, so please check out the prices and bills. And the last tip – choose a great group of friends to visit Portoroz. I know mine was the best … how could it not be if I had a personal masseur there with me too? :D
Aw, and easily you can take photos for another Sexy Saturday in Portoroz and Piran too :)
*** It took me 5 hours to write this post.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Comment@ Andrea:
Me too, Andrea ;) Piran doesn’t have the best beaches on Earth but it is very pretty.
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I’m a huge fan of Piran but I wouldn’t go for the beach! Hope to see you soon Alex. :)
Crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ Micamyx|Senyorita:
I’ll get you a postcard finally soon :) Miss your sweet face, too!
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It is refreshing to read something on your blog where you’re with your Slovak friends :D Love the photos too :D
btw, where’s my postcard?! haha miss yah dear!