Posts Tagged ‘Singapore’

Reasons to visit Singapore

Singapore is a city with many misconceptions surrounding it. But, if you’ve heard some not-so-amazing things about this Southeast Asian city, it’s time to rethink this interesting and unique place. How some people view Singapore Many people have a one-dimensional view of Singapore. Maybe they’ve heard it’s an artificial country, or a boring one, or […]

9,601.56 € -12 months, 14 countries, 21 flights in 2011

In the end of every year, all the bloggers do a post about what they did that year and what plans they have for the following year. I will do one about the best of 2011 in a couple of days.And I decided to do also a post about my expenses. I just want to show […]

My 18 best sunsets of 2011

In the end of the year, everyone is doing these posts about all the places they visited in 2011 and I decided to be different and write three posts – my 24 favorite beaches of 2011, my favorite sunsets of 2011 and my misadventures of 2011.One of my obsessions is taking photos of sunsets, sunset […]