Posts Tagged ‘Spain’

Transportation in Barcelona

Any major city requires a huge transportation network to make it easy for its inhabitants to get around, and transportation in Barcelona is one of the most efficient ones in the world. Metro, Trams, Buses, Regional and International Trains, Boats, taxis and even public bicycles compose this comprehensive network that covers almost every single part […]

Seville parks

Seville is one of the most important cities in Spain due to its predominant history, music, people and natural resources. According to history, the Greek demigod Heracles founded the city of Seville and its origins have strong links with the Tartessian civilization. With the arrival of the Moors, the architecture of the city changed, as […]

9,601.56 € -12 months, 14 countries, 21 flights in 2011

In the end of every year, all the bloggers do a post about what they did that year and what plans they have for the following year. I will do one about the best of 2011 in a couple of days.And I decided to do also a post about my expenses. I just want to show […]