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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

Comments (13)

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    Seems wonderful but looks very small and remote to me so I wouldn’t like to imagine what happens in an emergency situation.

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Thanks for your comment ;) But it’s not ”that” small and there’s almost everything you might need. I truly loved the island :)

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    Olayinka Sunday Ademola


    Am happy to hear about the Rodrigue island and I wish to visit the country, but could I get there from Nigeria

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Thanks so much! Please check details about flights and visa regulations on internet ;)

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    Only by plane? Hmmm…So locals are rich enough to travel on plane? It seems unbelievable, there are no ferries between islands.

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      Alexandra Kovacova


      There is a ferry which takes forever and only goes from time to time, it’s 600 km :D

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    Priznám sa, že ja som o tomto ostrove doteraz tiež nepočul. Ale vyzerá to tam naozaj brutálne, len neviem, čo by som tam robil bez dobrej wifi, na nete som totiž takmer nonstop posledné týždne :D :D :D

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      Alexandra Kovacova


      Ostrov je fakt TOPka, az na wifi a mobilny signal :D Tam sa ma ist oddychnut, a nie pracovat :D Skoro som prisla o nervy, ked som sa snazila dat nejake Instagram pribehy, takze som to po par dnoch vzdala a zacala si len uzivat ten klud :D

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    Looks like a very interesting island :)

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    David Rainey


    Fantastic well written article. Thanks.

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    Agness of eTramping


    Wow! This is the first time I am hearing about the Rodrigues Island and it seems like a very picturesque place, Alex. When’s the best time of the year to explore it?

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      Alexandra Kovacova


      I am so glad I was not the only traveler who hasn’t heard of Rodrigues for so long :D When is the best time to visit depends on what weather you prefer. If colder and drier, then May to September which is the low season. But if hotter, then maybe December to February but February is the wettest month. I was there in December and the weather was perfect for me :)

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