Kevin Costner in a massage tanga? Bring on the algae treatment in Sheraton Bratislava

I won’t lie to you, hotels with spa are one of the best places on Earth! A health freak like me needs massages, different treatments and chilling out every now and then, preferably as often as possible. A well-known spa was also one of the reasons why I chose Sheraton Bratislava hotel as the place […]

5 Crazy places to visit in New Zealand

Below my friend Sofia von Porat shares here her favorite places in new Zealand. ————————————————————————————————————————— I was recently told by a German girl about a German saying that goes “don’t let your children go to New Zealand – they will never come back!”, meaning that it’s so amazing they wouldn’t want to ever go home […]

Everyone needs two hugs a day to be happy

Sunday afternoon I was sitting in a cafe, sipping on my 70% hot chocolate with raspberries and replying to interesting questions about my life on ”Insecurity of freedom” topic for a Slovak magazine. The journalist asked me different things not only about my professional life of blogging and why I quit everything and became a […]