Search Results for ‘india’


Location and Geography The United Mexican States (Estados Unidos Mexicanos in Spanish), commonly known just as Mexico, consist of 31 states and DF (Federal District with the capital.) Mexico is located between the longitudes 86° and 119° W and latitudes 14° and 33°N in the Southern part of North America. Together with the United States […]

I visited the best archaeological sites in Mexico – which pyramids are worth visiting?

me in Teotihuacan Mexico

If there is one thing I’ve always considered orgasmic, it is the history of Mexico. I have been fascinated by the archaeological sites in Mexico and the Aztec, Maya, Olmec, Tolteca, Mixteca tribes and all the other native Indians living in the Mesoamerica. I’ve been obsessed with those cultures since I started studying Spanish which […]

People I met in Mexico

As I write this, I am sitting on the floor at the Mexico City airport on the 6th June 2011. Like I said in an earlier post, I love meeting new people. Right now I am just thinking about all the amazing people I met in Mexico. Eating chocolate turtles I am thinking about my […]

Photo of the week – Dominican Monastery in Santiago Apostol Cuilapan in Oaxaca

 Cuilapan means River of Coyotes in náhuatl. This little village in Oaxaca has an amazing monastery from the 16th century. Once the Jesuits were expelled from the area to the North, the Dominicans came here and wanted to convert all the Indians to their religion. However, because of the very often earthquakes here, the natives […]
