Posts Tagged ‘Hong Kong’

Money saving tips for Hong Kong Travels

A holiday in Southeast Asia is slowly developing as the current trend. Be it the beautiful and techie island of Singapore, the culturally-rich Thailand, Vietnam with its phenomenal history or Cambodia, each country has something unique to offer you. The densely populated and swanky city of Hong Kong welcomes visitors from all over the world […]

9,601.56 € -12 months, 14 countries, 21 flights in 2011

In the end of every year, all the bloggers do a post about what they did that year and what plans they have for the following year. I will do one about the best of 2011 in a couple of days.And I decided to do also a post about my expenses. I just want to show […]

A weather guide to Asia’s main tourist hotspots

Asia is a beautiful continent. That’s a fact!Home to an array of interesting and culturally-diverse countries, Asia is also an unpredictable continent when it comes to climate and weather, as we’ve witnessed in 2011 with the natural disasters that have reaped havoc and caused such damage and devastation in Japan and Thailand.Planning ahead is vital […]