Travel – running away from something? On suicide, death and more
Listening to the song Supergirl of Raemon, the lyrics ”supergirl don’t cry” just help me to be strong right now. I decided to write probably the most personal post ever, even though it hurts like hell! But it still explains a bit one of my reasons to travel.There have been so many posts all around […]
Koh Phangan holidays that never end
Fucking Europeans, always complaining – or what we should learn from the Mexicans
Once I wrote about people I met in Mexico separately, who really gave me a lot, changed my point of view about some things and made me a better and happier person.Yes, the Mexicans opened my eyes to a better understanding of the world, of what is important and what not.I think already after like […]
Things I do at home and do not when I travel
My first time in Mexico
When I quit my job of stewardess on the 5th March 2011 and came to Mexico on my own on 5 days after this year, it was my first time ever I visited this country full of history, historical sites, contrasts, extremes, mixed people, spicy food, wild animals and amazing turquoise beaches.But Mexico for me […]
People I met in Mexico
When I was robbed in Mexico
It was Sunday afternoon, the 22nd of May 2011. It was one of those ”bad” days when I was angry and sad and disappointed at the same time. It seemed like the end of the world when I was robbed in Mexico. I still cannot believe it happened to me. I spent 2 and a […]
What to pack for 3 months in Mexico
My first Transatlantic flight – or how I got to Mexico
Italian vs. Scottish
After spending a year in Scotland and then a year in Italy, I dare to compare these 2 nations. Obviously, it is just my humble opinion after a detailed observing of 730 days. However, it is a generalized comparison where not every single person of Scotland and Italy would fit.First of all, there are appearance […]
Basic facts about Slovakia
”Where are you from?””Slovakia” I answer.After a deep thought comes up ”Oh yes, Czechoslovakia, Prague.” This one is quite close, but to be honest when I hear ”Slovenia?” or ”Russia?” I am going crazy.N O !!! I’m really sorry to wake you up from such a sweet long dream but it was about time to improve […]