09 Jan2012
My misadventures of 2011
My 2011 year was an amazing year, full of great experience, cool people, lovely memories and a lot of adventures. But then it would not be me if I didn’t have also a lot of misadventures to share … And my mum would know exactly what I’m talking about as she calls me clumsy almost every day :D Unfortunately, I have to admit, she has a reason for it! I hit myself almost every day … mostly I realize it only once there is a bruise and I have no idea where it came from :D In comparison with my 24 favorite beaches of 2011 and my 18 best sunsets of 2011, this post is not that beautiful, but some of you can have fun. But I do remember some of my misadventures in 2011. The list of the things that come to my mind is here:- I was in San Jose Iturbide the happiest ever … and getting my first swim in Mexico. I used a lot of natural sunscreen just in case as I was whiter than the whitest wall (and it was my first sunbathing in 2011). Then the hot owner of the hotel came to talk to me and believe me or not, I burnt my feet so hard! My skin was peeling of for another week or so. Don’t look at me next time, hot guys! You are just causing trouble!
- Horses are one of my hidden passions. When I came to San Miguel Allende I just had to do horse-riding. And I did it with the best cowboy ever Mauricio from Tres Señores. Instead of an hour, we rode for more than 3 hous and I was in love with it! Unfortunately, my ass did not think the same the week after. You should have seen the bruises!

- I left my laptop, my wallet, passport and some money in my friend’s house in Playa del Carmen and the money and the laptop were stolen … with all my photos, videos and data without having a backup (I was going to buy an external hard drive the day after, what an irony!)
- I don’t know why, if it is just a stupid coincidence or what, but each time I was on a motorbike, I wore a skirt or a dress. And when I say a skirt or a dress, I mean a miniskirt and a minidress as most of them are too short for my long legs! It was followed by a couple of bad feelings I had each time someone saw half of my butt on a motorbike, getting on or off. Well, enjoy it. It was for free! As my mum keep saying I did not steal anything, it’s all mine :D
- Taking a shower, I cut my left leg when shaving. It was one of the many things I just do often out of clumsiness. My friend Bastian had a great laugh each time I shaved my legs afterwards during my last days in Mexico, I just do cut all the time, so what?! … Or maybe I just need to add another thing to 55 things of my ideal man … Guys, could you please shave my long legs? :)

- I remind you that it was still with a big plaster covering the shaving cut, just 2 days after … when I cut my toe while taking photos, listening to the guide and writing down the history of Coba ruins. I know she said we should look where we were going as the place was full of stones, but come on, I can multitask, right? And I did, but then I had to climb the Nohoch Mul pyramid with the bleeding toe. And I was a bit scared the day after to get an infection or something as a lot of dust covered the toe. But, once again, thanks to my aloe vera gel nothing happened afterwards and the cut got healed after just 3 days.

- I got a huge bruise on my left hip from top-loading a jeepney from Banaue to Batad. But still it was one of my best experiences in the Philippines!
- One of the things I was really looking forward to do in Mexico was swimming with dolphins. I was postponing it a lot until my last days in Mexico and guess what? I never got to do it. When they stole my laptop and I had to buy a new one and withdraw more money, I just felt kind of guilty or whatever you call it to spend more money on dolphins. But in the end when I finally realized it was one of the things I was dying to do and wanted to swim with dolphins in the biggest aquarium of the world Xel-ha, I just came there after the last swam. Damn it! So guys, if you want to invite me for a romantic date in 2012 (as I never had any in 2011!), you know what to do :D

- I got a tick on my arm. I haven’t had any for years so it just felt a bit weird. It was in Chiang Mai when it happened so as soon as I got home to Slovakia, I had to take 2 packs of antibiotics and do blood check to be sure I didn’t get the borreliosis. Scary!
- I did not visit the North of Thailand my first time there in October because of the floods. So instead, me with my Slovak friend Monika we decided to visit Angkor Wat for 2 days. We came to Siem Reap and … yes, it was flooded as well. We had to half swim getting around Siem Reap. Was weird and funny at the same time and now I take it as one of the best experiences of 2011. But for some people it could seem as a misadventure.

- I hit my head a few times … ok, sorry, probably too many times when taking jeepneys around the Philippines. Hope it did not leave any effect on me.
- There was the misadventure day on the 24th November when I went from Manila to Puerto Princesa and to El Nido. I mentioned it already in my Best of Travel 2011 post, but it deserves the whole post itself, I’m afraid :D
- When I was on Koh Lanta, my Chinese friend burnt her leg on a motorbike. I was really wondering how she did it as it must be really difficult (I love motorbikes, took hundreds of rides and never happened to me). But then me being clumsy again … on the way to get the best sunrise view of Penang with my friend Bill, yes, I burnt my right calf. It took some 2 weeks to heal it up. And guess what? Taking a tour around Bohol with my friend Jason and our tour driver (yes, it was three of us on a motorbike), I burnt the same place again while the old burnt was still visible there a bit.

- I went to Koh Samet island following some friends’ recommendations to spend my last 8 days of my Asia trip over there, just showing up my ass on the beach and doing nothing, but then it turned out I did not like it there at all. The bungalows I went to were a proper mess, I had to pay for internet, the staff was extremely rude and stupid and to top it all up, they wanted to charge me 600 Baht (15 Euro) for a 10-minute taxi ride just because I had no time left to get to the port! I refused anyway, walked more and then convinced another taxi to take me for less. And I left after 1 day to Koh Chang. I think it was the first time that this happened to me that I decided to leave the place after 1 instead of 8 days just because I did not like it!
- I got a couple of leeches when in Taman Negara National Park in Malaysia. To be honest, I was freaking out! I just hate when something touches my skin and when those leeches were trying to get even under the skin, I couldn’t handle it any more. Thank God my friend, a tour guide was there and helped me to take them out off me! Bleh
- I kind of fell in love with someone (I have known for longer online) when I met him in person … Even though he is one of the very few men having many 55 things of my ideal man, and I still love him in a way, I can only say now FAIL!
- And I’m not even going to start talking about all my misadventures with men! It would need a new entire blog about it :D
Bill Dolezal via Facebook
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Coucou Kaoila via Facebook
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it is so hard to work in this domaine
William Evans via Facebook
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crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ india tourism:
Thanks for your kind words :) Come to visit soon again ;)
india tourism
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I love your blog its look nice and attractive. I visited many places in India like Goa, Jaipur etc. and always remember that trips which i visited and photos are memories of it in my album and heart touching photos is always with me. I always keep in touch with your blog and going to bookmark also.
crazy sexy fun traveler
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Comment@ Anthony:
Haha trust me, I get them all the time. Too much for being a girl :D
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It seems I’m not the only one who gets war wounds, when travelling haha!
crazy sexy fun traveler
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It’s not cos I’m tall but cos everything is so small in the Philippines :D And no, I’m not gonna speak about my men here any more :D
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I am eating a powdered-strawberry filled donut when I opened your post. Nice with all the bloody pics haha :D
You’re too tall that’s why I am not surprised if you did hit your head a lot of times in the Philippines =)) also, please elaborate on the men part! Do a separate post now and I guess you know who among them is my bet for you even if you say FAIL LOL