My morning routine
I was asked a few times by different people on social media about my morning routine. To me, my morning is something I prefer not to share with others in person. Unlikely to most people, I do not want to be online answering messages while still in bed.
My morning is sacred to me and I try to spend it alone doing things that calm me down. Things that matter to me. I try to spend my morning in silence. But to be honest, my morning routine differs. It’s not the same when I am at home vs. when traveling. When I am at home, I dedicate more time to myself in the morning before I start doing anything else.
My morning routine
In this article I’d like to tell you about the differences between 2 different morning rituals I have. As you can guess, my first hours of the day are more hectic when I am traveling. That’s why I have more me time when I am at home where I have no time schedule to follow.
My morning routine at home
- I wake up later than when traveling. Usually around 9 am. No, I am really not a morning person so when I don’t have to wake up early, I do not. Once I hear the alarm, I kiss my heart-shaped orgonite amulet next to my bed and give thanks for a good night sleep. I also say to myself ”thank you for a great day ahead of me.”
- I give myself a head and neck massage.
- I massage my feet to boost my metabolism. You know, reflexology points.
- I stretch a little bit, shoulders, head, arms, legs, etc. Something that feels right while still in bed.
- I get up and after opening the balcony door, I breathe in some fresh air.
- I go to toilet.
- I sit down for morning meditation. I do not check the time but just meditate until I feel it’s enough. After meditation, I stay in the same seated lotus position for pranayama breathing techniques for at least 5 minutes.
- Then I spend a few minutes reading positive affirmations. I wrote down 7 pages of them, divided into different categories so I always pick some that seem appropriate. E.g. work and money related, family, health etc.
- I wash my face with water.
- I wash my mouth with water and then scrap my tongue with a tongue scrapper. And I wash my mouth with water again.
- I brush my teeth with a bamboo toothbrush and ayurvedic herbs, coconut oil or herbal vegan toothpaste.
- While brushing my teeth, I walk barefoot on acupressure math I have in my living room.
- After brushing my teeth, I spray rose water on my face.
- I stretch for a couple of minutes.
- Then I drink 2 to 3 cups of warm water, water with fresh lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or green/herbal tea.
- Sometimes I read a book. But usually I read more before going to sleep.
- I drink more water or tea. Ideally 2 to 3 litres altogether within the next few hours.
- Only then I switch on my phone (after using the flight mode when sleeping) and also turn wifi on.
- Then I go for an outdoor walk or start working online on my laptop.
- I have breakfast or brunch later on, usually after a 16-hour intermittent fasting.
All the 20 steps take me anywhere from 30 minutes to 120 minutes, depending on my mood, day, energy etc. At home I usually eat my first meal around lunch time or later, so let’s call it brunch.
TIP: The above meditation photo is from my stay at 22 Weligambay hotel in Sri Lanka. I wrote an entire article about my days there if you are interested to have a read.
My morning routine on the road
- I wake up early. When exactly depends on my activity for the day. Sometimes before sunrise, sometimes at sunrise, sometimes just half an hour before breakfast. Once I hear the alarm, I kiss my heart-shaped orgone amulet next to my bed and give thanks.
- I give myself a head and neck massage.
- I quickly massage my feet.
- I stretch in bed.
- I get up and open the balcony or window.
- I go to toilet.
- I wash my face with water.
- I wash my mouth with water and use a tongue scrapper. And wash my mouth with water again.
- I brush my teeth with ayurvedic herbs or coconut oil.
- While brushing my teeth, I walk around my room. If I have a water kettle, I warm up water.
- Then I drink 1 or 2 cups of warm water or green tea.
- If I have time, I sit down for morning meditation at least for 5 minutes. I try to find time every day but sometimes I meditate on the beach or train, car whatever, instead. If I have a busy and long day ahead of me, I meditate during the day wherever possible and not early in the morning. But that being said, it’s true that when I do my morning meditation before even leaving my hotel room, I’m calmer and in better mood all day long.
- I switch off flight mode on my phone to check for SMS and calls. Then I check internet, too.
- If possible to have breakfast at the hotel, I do so. While eating, I reply to urgent messages and emails.
- Then I go to explore the destination, preferably using airplane mode on my phone again to save the battery and avoid radiation.
When traveling, my morning rituals can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
What do you think of my morning routines? Do have similar ones? Or you do things in a completely different way?
David Rainey
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Your morning routines are amazing, Alex.
I will incorporate many into my mornings in the future.
The Airplane mode habit is an excellent idea.
Also the massages before getting out of bed.
Thanks for sharing. :)
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Happy to inspire you :) Airplane mode is great ;)
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Very informative post.
Thanks for sharing your routines. I will rethink mine now.
Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler
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Glad to give you some ideas about what to incorporate into your daily routine ;)