Search Results for ‘mexico’
I love swimming. It is one of the few sports I do not have to force myself to. So when I got the chance to visit the biggest natural aquarium in the world, Xel-há, I did not hesitate a second. Xel-há (or Xel-ha, Xelha) is situated in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, between Cancún and […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 04 Jul 2011 in adventures, Mexico, nature, photo, tips
When I still lived in the Southern Italy, my flatmate kept on talking about Tulum. He visited Mexico before and spent a day visiting Tulum ruins and the beach and loved it (and he is not a beach person at all.) So I was actually really looking forward to visiting Tulum when I came to […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 30 Jun 2011 in beach, beauty, Mexico, photo, pyramids
COYOTEPEC comes from the náhuatl and it means cerro de Coyotes (Coyote hill). It is one of the villages in Oaxaca state in Mexico famous for its barro negro – black mud. The inhabitants of the whole village dedicate their lives to make the statues, figures but mostly jars and others containers. I visited two […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 26 Jun 2011 in habits, Mexico, photo
In Mexico, one of the states of Pacific coast called Nayarit (and in Jalisco, Zacatecas and Durango as well), there are still living some native Indians. The tribe is named HUICHOL and they are descendents of the Aztecs.The tribe speaks Huichol language in which the word Wixáritari means ”the people” and for them it is […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 24 Jun 2011 in habits, Mexico, photo
Unforgettable. This is the way I would describe the 11th and 12th June 2011 – the dates when the Bloody Night Con event took place in Hesperia Tower Hotel in Barcelona. I just came back to Europe from Mexico and before going home to Slovakia, I visited my best friends in Madrid for 3 […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 22 Jun 2011 in adventures, culture, Spain
Since March to June 2011 in Mexico, I saw uncountable number of the iguanas all over the place. Mostly in Yucatán Peninsula. They do not do anything to you, actually they are scared when you come closer and just run away or hide.But I managed to take these pictures one day in Xelha. I had […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 20 Jun 2011 in Mexico, nature, photo
Me and my friend Alfonso took a day trip to Cozumel Island in Mexico. It was after I finally lost my fear of snorkeling thanks to Alfonso, so I was so looking forward to snorkel in the second largest reef system in the world. We visited Chankanaab National Park, got all the things we needed for […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 17 Jun 2011 in achievement, adventures, Mexico, photo, press trip
I had never heard of jícama before I came to Mexico. To be specific, during the road trip through Colima, I wanted some fruit as usual, so we stopped at the road at one of those places where the family sells their fruit and a girl made me a fruit salad, including this weird huge […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 08 Jun 2011 in food, Mexico, photo
Among many weird things you can see in Mexico, this is one of them. Mexican people celebrate death like a good thing, the cemeteries are all colourful and the Day of the Dead is a huge party all over Mexico. In many places there is possible to get these skulls full of colours as souvenirs.
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 05 Jun 2011 in habits, Mexico, photo
From Quintana Roo I took a bus to Veracruz to visit a friend I knew for years but have never met in person so far. I changed the dates a little bit because of what happened in Playa del Carmen. So in the end, he could not come from Xalapa to Veracruz to have a […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 03 Jun 2011 in Mexico, tips
Cuilapan means River of Coyotes in náhuatl. This little village in Oaxaca has an amazing monastery from the 16th century. Once the Jesuits were expelled from the area to the North, the Dominicans came here and wanted to convert all the Indians to their religion. However, because of the very often earthquakes here, the natives […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 01 Jun 2011 in Mexico, photo, press trip, tips, travel
More times I have seen some travelers writing about how they did ziplining and I already decided I was going to do it, too. It did look scary a little bit, but every adventure that has anything to do with flying, is just my thing. But the day I visited El Chiflón waterfall in […]
Posted by Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler on 23 May 2011 in adventures, Mexico, North America, photo