Geo and Medieval tour in the Northern Portugal – day 2

After the first day of our Geo and Medieval tour in the Northern Portugal when we stayed in Hotel Solverde Spa & Wellness for the night, we also could have delicious breakfast in the same hotel. As I really cannot survive without food for longer than 3 hours, I woke up at 8am  (way too early again) […]

Romantic candlelit dinner along the Danube with Legenda cruise

Did you know?The section of the Danube in the center of Budapest was the first in Hungary to be awarded UNESCO World Heritage Status.It already gives you the main reason why to visit it. The Danube, ‘’the most international’’ river connecting 10 European countries, could be probably called the most beautiful part of Budapest and […]

Where to stay in Barcelona – a Wimdu apartment

During my I-stopped-counting-how-many-times visit to Barcelona in September 2012, I stayed in an apartment I booked via Wimdu whose motto is Travel like a local. I love everything local, so I told myself, why not to try it?Accommodation in Barcelona is usually expensive, so having the whole apartment for myself only where I could work […]