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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

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    Great points. I totally agree about eating habits getting worse! When I’m traveling I let myself eat ANYthing I want, always justifying it like “When will I have the chance to eat X again?” lol and like you said, it’s difficult to squeeze in exercise when traveling. Not a great combo…but in the end, travel is totally worth it! :)

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Very true, Karisa. But I am trying to change that habit of eating anything and not exercising this year, so let’s see how it goes ;)

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ lola:
    I know it is so frustrating … as well for me to see how difficult it is to stay in shape when on the road! Fingers crossed for both of us to look great even when traveling :)

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    UGH the lack of exercise and routine is my biggest struggle. i traveled so much in the first half of this year and it shows on my waist! oh well…i wouldn’t change all that i got to experience at the cost of a few extra pounds. i’m getting back into my workout routine now & i’m sure i’ll be able to shed what i gained :) *fingers crossed*

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    I reckon and agree with your feelings, specially when at times when your family needs you the most and you are not available in a distant land miles away. Everything all of a sudden becomes difficult and everything around loses its charm. At times like those I have often found myslef away from all lying under the blanket of star lit sky praying and wishing the best for my loved ones in every moment of thier life’s. Life is filled with its surprises some good , some bad all of which make the journey of life memorable. Now where would we treasure all the good times when we didnt face the bad one’s. (not meaning travel is bad- its the most natural form to understand and appreciate life).

    Like one great traveller quoted ” No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow” ~Lin Yutang

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      crazy sexy fun traveler


      Thanks for sharing your opinion;)
      Nice quote. In Slovakia we say something like NO PLACE LIKE HOME. It is true but travel still has all the charm and adventure.

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