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Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

Alex is a crazy Slovak girl who made traveling the reason of her life. In March 2011 she quit her stewardess job and hasn't stopped ever since. Her motto is ''I live to travel, I travel to live.'' She writes about crazy travel, fun adventures and sexy photos.

Comments (55)

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    Pursuing To Hapiness


    From stewardess to travel blogger…that is something that others can’t understand… Quitting JOB and Chasing your dreams… Doing what you love… Pursuing into the things that brings happiness into your soul and into your heart, that makes you complete… ”I live to travel, I travel to live.” – Alexandra Kovacova a.k.a. crazy sexy fun traveler

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      I know not many people have enough courage to pursue their dreams so it always makes me happy to see others who have done it or at least appreciate it :)

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    Thanks a lot,am not much into travelling but i wish to do and u r the only travel blogger i have been following ,its really inspiring articles u give us all the time …keep going all the best wishes for u ,prayers

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      Oh, I’ve noticed you’ve been liking my Facebook posts and photos. Thanks so much for all the compliments and hope you will be able to travel one day, too ;)

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    David Rainey


    Hard working, passionate, independent, inspirational, and beautiful. The first I expected the others I already knew. Peace and admiration.

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    I totally believe you that it is not easy and that it requires a lot of work. I recently started my own website writing on articles almost every day and it is a lot of work but I totally love it.

    I just tell a few people about my dreams and the things I want to accomplish with my website because there are so many people out there who will just laugh and don’t take you serious when you tell them you want to earn a living with a website and you want to live in various places on the world.

    But as you said, if it is the life you want to live, and it is definitely the life I want to live, it is work and enjoyment at the same time.

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    Mohla by si napisat viac o tom, ako pride ten cash, hladas sponzorov?
    Akosi tomu nerozumiem. Isla si do prvej destinacie ako? V prvej kontaktujes hotely do druhej destinacie, predstavis sa im, kto si a oni ta nechaju prenocovat u nich ako zivu reklamu na hotel?
    Viem, ze vela ludi takto funguje, nepochopila som len, ze ako provozuju.

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      Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


      To je na dlho, a robim veci roznymi sposobmi, podla krajin, miest, rocneho obdobia, sezony, vzdy inak a trvalo mi to dlho prist na to, co je najlepsie a co kedy a kde funguje, takze o detailoch nehovorim verejne. Do prvej destinacie myslis ktoru? Ja uz cestujem odmalicka, tak tazko na toto odpovedat :D Ano, vela ludi tak funguje, ale nikto verejne nehovori ako presne, lebo ako hovorim, bolo by to na dlho, a tiez, preco by sme vsetkym mali hovorit, co maju robit, aby to bolo potom tazsie aj pre nas, co sme na to prisli sami? Niekedy kontaktujem hotely 3 dni dopredu, niekedy pol roka, v tejto praci nie je ziadne pravidlo, a o to ide ;)

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    Crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Jill:
    Thanks, Jill. Wishing you good luck with your dreams :)

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    I love your website!! So glad my bf found it when we traveled to Thailand. We needed to look fun places to go to and we found all sorts of gem thanks to you! I’m a flight attendant and yoga instructor! So I know how you feel. To be a travel blogger is my dream too

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    Crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ Suzanne (Travelbunny):
    I have many of those ”working holidays” too haha. Replying to work emails even at 2 or 3 am :D

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    Suzanne (Travelbunny)


    Well said! I work in events and sometimes don’t step outside the hotel for a week, grab lunch on the run, get up at 6 and work til 1am – then my Mum says ‘is this a working holiday?’ Holiday? Waaahhhhh!! Love the blog :)

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    crazy sexy fun traveler


    Comment@ ardun:
    I know, I am leaving all those jealous people to do what they want cos my hard work doesn’t leave me any free time to be jealous of anyone :D

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    Great insight Alex! Looks like all your hard work is paying off. There will always be people who are jealous or don’t believe you, leave them in the dust and enjoy yourself :)

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