Posts Tagged ‘travel’

My longest trip so far – 54 hours from Snina to get to Buenos Aires

First week of my South American trip in 2012 started already on Monday when was my last day at home. It was the most hectic day ever, I was running around the town to get the last things, packing (I always pack on my last day), visiting family and even making a snowball with my […]

Travel – running away from something? On suicide, death and more

Listening to the song Supergirl of Raemon, the lyrics ”supergirl don’t cry” just help me to be strong right now. I decided to write probably the most personal post ever, even though it hurts like hell! But it still explains a bit one of my reasons to travel.There have been so many posts all around […]

Travel with best friends

Maybe you are asking yourselves how to travel, if alone, with some random people, colleagues from work, parents or other members of family, or your friends. Can be different for everyone.  But I’ve spent many of my trips with my best friends and I have to say, it’s so cool. Why? Here I give you […]